The stories of my life on a little island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea ... and my occasional adventures beyond these shores.

Monday, 30 June 2014

Simply Loving

It is summer and it is as hard to sit down and write as it is to sit still and read. So, from time to time, I will just share the things that make my heart beat just a little bit faster. And I will try to keep it short. Try is the key word here because I do tend to ramble sometimes.
This month’s favourites:-
~ My hydrangea. When I bought the plant in May of last year, I was not sure it would survive our harsh summer. But I watered it. Everyday. And I kept it in a shady corner of our garden. It lived. Then winter came and it was reduced to a few leafless branches. I was ready to throw it away. Then March rolled around and the days got warmer. It grew a few leaves, then more and more. It had survived and this month, it flowered once more. The blooms are gorgeous but that is not the only reason why I love them. One day, I’ll tell you more.
My flowers (3)
~ Instagram. What’s not to love? It’s the perfect way of keeping up with friends (both the real and the virtual ones) and family and it only takes an instant. Or maybe a little bit more. I’ve found out that it can get addictive. You can find me here if you’re interested.
~ Cool sea breezes – until they last.
~ Lazy weekend afternoons spent reading or browsing through my stack of Pottery Barn books and magazines. I admit, I am a a bit of a Pottery Barn addict.
Valletta 061
~ Longer daylight hours.
~ Streets lined with oleanders bushes in full bloom. While every other plant that is not watered regularly has long given up the fight, these hardened veterans flower in full drought and provide some welcome colour to our otherwise rather drab landscape.
~ A new blog I’ve discovered via Jeanne called Close Ups And Wide Angles. The photos are just divine.
~ The poems of Pablo Neruda. You may read some here.
~ Swimming in water that is still so cool that it literally takes your breath away.
~ The music of Melody Gardot – perfect for balmy summer evenings under the stars.
Wishing you all many happy summer memories. Until next time …


  1. Hello Loree,
    What a deliciously lazy, summery post this is. How it fills our minds with long, languid days with only the whiff of a breeze to disturb. Yes, this is a time to savour the simple things, to enjoy doing very little and to dream.

    We shall certainly be seeking you out on Instagram, a new toy for us too. Your images are always so beautiful and carefully chosen, this is a perfect fit for you, we imagine.

    Enjoy your lazy days which we trust are filled with sunshine and laughter.

  2. Your summer sounds a bit like heaven to me!

  3. I'm all over the place too - love Pottery Barn and Pablo Neruda :))

    (beautiful flowers!)

  4. I love hydrangeas. I used to see all colors of them when my late husband and I would travel to northern California. I bought a couple one year while up there and brought them back to SoCal and planted them, but they died almost immediately. It is just too hot and dry to grow them here.

  5. Thank you so much, Loree! I'm very happy about your kind words! Many greetings from Berlin!

  6. Just beautiful Loree, I love your isntagram pics and I always melt into the photos you share here. Winter has well and truly settle din here, so your posts of summer are keeping me warm xx

  7. Those oleanders are amazing to grow so tall and full of flowers even with the drought.

  8. I follow YOU on Instagram and yes it can be addictive!I try to limit myself to looking just twice a day!
    I love Hydrangea's too!Mine are a bit sad this year .We had a very cold winter.......for US here in the land of the SUN CALIFORNIA!They are much smaller balls.............or rather poofs!You enjoy that water for me too!XOXO

  9. Your hydrangea looks beautiful. Mine has also survived winter and is still blooming but the color is more a deep red. Soon your beautiful island will be occupied by tourists ! If it isn't the case already !

  10. Summer comes with a different set of things to do and places to go. The oleanders are just gorgeous, and your hydrangea is beautiful!

  11. Loree- I love your summer treasures and pleasures...that hydrangea is gorgeous. I have never been successful in growing them and it is rather cool here so it is divine that yours is living and so beautiful. As always your writing touches my heart and soul. Have a lovely day.

  12. Thanks for sharing your summer beauty (and I'm so glad you're on Instagram! Just found and followed you there :)

  13. Your images are gorgeous, as usual, Loree. Like you, I also really get a lot out of the longer daylight hours.

    I'm trying to think if I've ever seen pink hydrangea 'in person.' Seen plenty of blue and purple. It is my belief that flowers are the emissaries of God.

  14. Gotta love PB catalogs! And I agree, it's hard to do anything in the Summer :-)

  15. Beautiful photos and flowers. I love my hydrangeas also. Wishing you a beautiful weekend! xx, B


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