The stories of my life on a little island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea ... and my occasional adventures beyond these shores.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

On Inspiration

Uncommonly for me, I am struggling with words right now. Struggling to inspire myself, to write something eloquent. Struggling to strike a balance between a totally impersonal post and just how much of my personal life I want to reveal. What do my readers what to read? The straight facts? A sugared fictional version of my life? Or a marriage between the two? I know that I can write a good travel post but I cannot write about my travels all the time. This time of year always throws me into a bit of a quandary. Not much is going on – at least not much that is interesting to write about. So I was digging around and came upon this quote:
                                   Source: via Lorna on Pinterest

Wise words indeed. Words that I need to frame and hang over my desk. Because I do wander – especially in my thoughts and in my writing. I wander there and back again; to realms seen and unseen. I dip my fingers in stardust and fall back to earth with a bang. I dwell in the world of elves and hobbits and emerge in the real world with reluctant, tottering steps.
I am a dreamer and I make no apologies. And I write – snippets or long rambling posts - finding inspiration from without and from within. And when that fails, turning to Byron and Tolkien, to the flowing prose of Daphne du Maurier and the unlikely poetry of Nikki Sixx. But through it all I am learning to find my voice. To be me. To search for words until they pour out of me like a spring stream. Indeed, I wander often but lost I am not.


  1. It will most definitely happen, my friend. And no doubt, the ebb and flow of inspiration and understanding is a right part of the evolving trajectory.

  2. You write beautifully, Loree, in whatever that your write. It's great that you're tugged between the two worlds: reality and dream land, since it seemed to bring out your thoughts in the most inspiring way for me.

    Reality took a bite out of me, and I've lost the edge.

  3. Even if you've struggled to inspire yourself you still wrote a great post... wish it was as easy for me.
    You are far from being lost for words, as Icy BC commented " write beautifully!"


  4. i do lose the interest to write from time to time...but it always comes back. i usually post lots of photos when i have writer's block.

  5. Wonder as much as you like, Loree and reveal as little or as much as you wish! Whatever you write, it has value.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. A quote is one way to begin... and you found a good one.

  8. same here, Loree. that's why i joined the 30 Days of Indie Travel Project. It aims to inspire bloggers to reflect on their past travel experiences.

  9. Loree,

    No matter what topic you choose, your writing style is interesting yet seems personal. And that's what is important I guess.

    So keep Writing... God Bless....

  10. isn't that the great thing about an online journal? it's a place to be all those things - to dip your feet into writing that you might never do otherwise - to explore all the "who's" that make up the real you.

  11. Travel posts are always great Loree. I like candid posts the most :-)

  12. beautiful words, loree. like agnes, i like travel posts too, but posts that reveal more of a person's heart and soul are wonderful. it can be difficult to decide how much to reveal - the core issue of finding one's voice.

  13. Beautifully written as always, Loree!
    I don't think you will ever struggle with words and whatever you write about comes so naturally for you that you inspire and please your writers always. God bless you and your loved ones!


Thanks for stopping by. I read and appreciate every one of your comments. I will do my best to reply whenever I can.


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